
Showing posts from December, 2022

You, Me And Backlinks: The Truth

What is Investigation Report and How to Write One One of the most important benefits of writing an investigation report is that it documents the evidence you gathered during your investigation. This written record can be used in court or later reviewed during the investigation. After you have gathered all the evidence, it’s time to start making sense of it all. Take soundings To investigate, to try to find out what is going on or how things stand; to psych out a situation. To take soundings is literally to measure the depth of water by letting down a line with a lead attached to the bottom. Figurative use of sounding appeared in print during the time of Shakespeare. Shakedown A thorough search, as of a prison cell in hopes of finding hidden weapons or other contraband. This study was part of a larger qualitative investigation of older women, physical activity and health. The investigation of the theft of a state data backup device last month continues. Improve your vocabulary with